COEXISTENCE - Thesaurus of intersectionality and decolonial issues: black studies, gender, sexuality and feminist studies


Resultado de imagem para raça
1. A social rather than biological construction.
2. A theoreticalinvention of a European scientist used to separate and rank human beings into three distinct biological categories: Caucasoid (European), Negroid (African) and Mongoloid (Asian). According to this “science” these three species of humans evolved completely separate from one another with no common ancestors.
The science of race proclaimed that White/ Europeans (Caucasoid) are the most evolved of the three human species and Black/Africans are the least evolved.
3. The term race as applied to humans was invented as equivalent to the term species used to reference (non-human) animals and plants.
4. An umbrella term used to minimize ethnic variety and emphasize broader group identity markers most often rooted in appearance, skin tone, and ancestral homelands or origins.
